Monday, February 25, 2013

The Third Project

<iframe width="320" height="640" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="320" height="640" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Artist Statement: I don't really think the final product came out as well as I had intended. My original idea was to sync up the music to the newly lengthened animation, however this proved very difficult using two different programs. One of the biggest issues was with the photoshop frame animation menu not showing time, but only lengths of frame. This made it very difficult to sync music. To sync music, I literally had to pause the song, look at the time to a tenth of a second, then had to guess around where it would be based on the different lengths of frames I have and how many frames there are. tl;dr The ends did not justify the means. It was too time consuming and then end product just was not worth the time. For sounds, I tried to pick things related to what image was being shown and what it was doing, without it being too cluttered confusing.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Second Project

Artist Statement: The flow of the video works in the same manner as the way I came up with the concept of the original image: smooth blending, with reality representing the bottom part of the image, and fantasy being the upper part. One thing I really like about animating my original work is because it highlights details otherwise gone unseen. On the other hand, the animation seems a bit rough... but that's a given, considering it is frame animation.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Critical Questions I

Based on the article, would you say the author agreed with Marx's ideas?

Do you believe what Walter Benjamin said, in 1936, still applies today?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The First Project

Artist's Statement: Abiding by the class's theme of reality and fantasy, Scott and I have each created an image that is themed as such. For my montage (right), I used images that both Scott and I thought were of interest and placed them in an way that would contrast reality and fantasy as opposite halves of one. Although they are opposites, we need both-- yin and yang. Without fantasy, reality would wear us out. Some of today's inventions and achievements started out as a fantasy... but then they became reality. Long had man wanted to fly, and now in our present day, we have airplanes. This image relates to everyone, because everyone wishes to escape reality at some point of their life. Some may decide to do this through TV, some through vacations, and for people like myself and Scott-- video games and anime. To say this image expresses myself would most certainly hold true, and it was quite fun to put together.