Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Artist Lecture & Exhibits

Posted in Google Docs:



Final Project 345 Artist Statement

My final project, the "xX_MLG_AUDIO_GENERATOR_Xx", is a python program that which will loop various "MLG" approved sounds randomly and infinitely until stopped. The basis of this project revolves around the satire (or parody) of actual gaming montages which "display the players' skill" in the game. Generally these satires (officially known as "montage parodies") follow a similar format, recycling the same noises and images which have become memes on the internet. As such, one could say that making a "MLG" or montage parody can be quite simple, like the interface of my project. This project is supposed to be a satire of a parody, or maybe even the internet itself. People well acquainted with the sounds will most likely feel for this piece, the gamer/troll/whatever demographic.

Below is a screenshot of the python file being executed, and another of the code itself. In order to code this assignment I had to use some cool tricks, but that's neither here nor there.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

triptych pt 1

Triptych concept

The idea for the video triptych was to have multiple perspectives of the same thing. Based on the environment of where something is placed (a tree, an animal, even words) can convey different contexts. What one person sees is not necessarily what another person sees. One person may take a flatscreen television for granted, where for another it would be a luxury. Of course we will see eye to eye on some subjects, but it is impossible currently to completely step into another's shoes. Misunderstandings and accidents inevitably happen because of this. I hope that my triptych will be able to convey this idea. However, because we may interpret things differently, perhaps the original meaning will be lost, ironically.

Triptych 3 screens

triptych pt 3

triptych pt 2

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Instrument

My instrument uses falling water in order to produce sounds. The speed of the water is modified by the nozzle sizes of the bottles, of which the smaller one produces the slower fall rate. The sounds can also be modified by the container of which the water is dropped into. The sounds are then modified by the contact mic placed on the base of the instrument, which is the black box at the bottom. While not pictured, the containers I found the best results with were: a tin can, a plastic bowl much like the base of the instrument itself, and a tin cylindrical cookie container.

My Musical Score

My musical score. This was a collage formed primarily from my interests. The original concept began with reading a score like a stage from a Mario game, with various landscapes and objects influencing the instrument player to act accordingly. There is no "intended" way to play... rather, the whole piece was constructed rather liberally. As long as one makes note of the structure of the work, then any way of playing it can be considered "correct".

My Played Music Score

My partner, Shani's, music score. This score is done in the style of a written story, of which we have to translate into music by reading and interpreting how to play based on the events that occur. It was slightly difficult with my water instrument, and certainly many liberties were taken with the piece... and as a result, perhaps the result was surprising. However, the piece was played how I felt it should, and I attempted to recapture the feelings of the original work.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

virtual reality

When virtual reality becomes a thing, many new opportunities for artists will open up. It's exciting to think about how interactive the future will be, and the many creative possibilities that lie in wait with it. Interactive interfaces, designs, characters are just to name a few.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Studio Ghibli has wonderful animations accompanied by epic stories that are very heartwarming. Most of the animations are hand drawn and the effort is well rewarded when watching their movies.

Living in a world where people are constantly surrounded by technology, computers play an important role in everyone's lives. If you're a gamer like me, graphics, overall specs, and computer knowledge play a huge role in what games you can play.

From the artist of my favorite game series, "Disgaea". Takehito Harada does a good job creating artwork by creating a style that differentiates himself from peers by using unique proportions and color mixes. 

drawing & painting samples

As a hobby, I enjoy practicing drawing on the tablet. Although I still have a lot of room for improvement, examples of my art will be posted below:

Inline image 2Inline image 12Inline image 7Inline image 10Inline image 11

When working with a website, we generally have to work with logos and the other things that come with businesses. Here is an example of a logo I created on the computer.Inline image 13